Donita Bundy is an urban fantasy author, writing teacher, and preacher. She writes the Armour of Light series of spiritual warfare stories set in near-future versions of Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities of Revelation. Donita has useful tips for those writing on ‘Last Days’ themes, and encouragement for all of us who Gracewrite in an increasingly hostile and difficult world.
Gracewriters Podcast #66: Jason Jones on book marketing, especially at Christmas
Book publicist Jason Jones works with authors and publishers around the world, producers and editors at some of America’s major news outlets and hundreds of faith-based media outlets. Host of the Book Publicist podcast, he has led campaigns for 11 New York Times best-sellers. He talks about the changing face of book promotion, including the rise of social media and podcasts.
Gracewriters Podcast #65: Belinda Pollard on publishing new editions of books
Belinda Pollard is the author of crime novels, light memoir, devotionals and non-fiction, and the founder of Gracewriters. Belinda shares what she learned from revising and republishing both a devotional book, Meet the Real Jesus, and her first crime novel, Poison Bay.
Gracewriters Podcast #64: Jack Countryman on writing Bible devotionals and defying age barriers
In this episode, Belinda Pollard, Donita Bundy and Alison Joy interview Jack Countryman, author of 35 books based on Bible promises, blessings and prayers, which have sold more than 27 million copies. At 93, Jack has just released another book. He encourages all Christian writers, and especially those writing devotionals, and those who fear they are “too old”.
Gracewriters Podcast #63: Jo Swinney on co-writing family memoir amid grief
In this episode, Belinda Pollard, Donita Bundy and Alison Joy interview Christian non-fiction author Jo Swinney. Jo’s eight books cover important and sensitive topics from dating to depression, but her most challenging project yet was co-writing a book on hospitality with her mother, Miranda Harris, after she had passed away.
Gracewriters Podcast #62: Author Mazzy Adams on pressing into God when writing is hard
In this episode, Belinda Pollard, Donita Bundy and Alison Joy interview spy-thriller author Mazzy Adams. Mazzy shares her writing practices, the joy and complexity of defying genre norms, and how writing actually helped rehabilitate her brain after a stroke.
Gracewriters Podcast #61: Roma Flood on writing that blesses despite grief and trauma
Roma Flood has endured the loss of a mother, daughter, husband and granddaughter, but has found a way to bless people with her story of loss and grief. For others who are writing from painful personal experience, she shares about lives that have changed as a result of her book… including her own.
Gracewriters Podcast #60: Jubilee Lipsey on writing biblical fiction
Jubilee Lipsey writes biblical fiction based on Old Testament narratives. She shares the methods she uses to invite readers deeper into the stories that form the backbone of Christian faith, while also being changed by the Bible in the process herself.