In this episode, Belinda Pollard and Alison Joy interview our co-host, urban fantasy author, writing teacher, and preacher, Donita Bundy. Donita writes the Armour of Light series of spiritual warfare stories set in near-future versions of Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities of Revelation. She has useful tips for those writing on ‘Last Days’ themes, and encouragement for all of us who Gracewrite in an increasingly hostile and difficult world.
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In conversation in this episode:
- Belinda Pollard, author of mainstream crime novels, writing coach, accredited editor with qualifications in theology, writing and publishing blogger at, and Gracewriters founder
- Donita Bundy, writing teacher, preacher and author of the Armour of Light urban fantasy series
- Alison Joy, romance author, former early childhood teacher and mother of 4 adult children
Topics covered in this episode:
- What End Times, End of Days and Last Days mean, and why these themes are so attractive to storytellers, both Christian and secular.
- How physical illness ‘accidentally’ led into Donita writing on these topics, and how her own health challenges have influenced the way she writes her characters.
- How Donita draws plot inspiration from Scripture and also from historical events and situations from the ancient world.
- The role of Bible study and prayer in apocalyptic writing, and in fact, all Gracewriting.
- The fear of getting it wrong, and how to persevere in spite of that.
- Encouraging readers as they feel seen and heard by what’s happening in the story. Writing with openness and honesty about genuine human struggles. Helping readers to feel less alone in their own battles.
- Encouraging readers to pay attention, and not become complacent in a world that is changing rapidly. Inspiring them to ‘choose God’ even when it’s hard.
- Entertaining readers with a good story.
- Thinking about what message your reader is going to go away with, no matter what genre or topic you are writing. How to open a fissure for the Holy Spirit to flow into someone’s heart through story.
- Giving readers (and us) the courage to stand in the challenges to come.
- Whether to make writing a priority in stressful times. Why our voice is needed.
- How the content of our writing might change in the Last Days. How our writing might be set apart from the world’s writing.
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Belinda Pollard: Welcome to the Gracewriters Podcast – Christian Writers Changing Popular Culture. Hit subscribe on your favourite podcast player so you never miss an episode and find show notes, useful links and a full transcript at
Today on the podcast, our co-host, urban-fantasy author, Donita Bundy on Gracewriting for the ‘End Times’.
I’m Belinda Pollard. I’m an author, editor and book coach with a theology degree and 20 years in the publishing industry. I blog for writers at and you can find links to my books, blogs and online courses at
Alison Joy: Hi, I’m Alison Young. I’m a former early childhood educator with four adult children. Aside from writing, my other passion is photography and as part of the media team at my local church, I have the privilege of capturing God moments both big and small. I write contemporary romance under the name, Alison Joy, and you can find out more about my books at
Belinda Pollard: We live in a time where there has been such an avalanche of world-wide crises that many Christians are asking, “Could Jesus be coming back soon?” Scripture tells us that it is not our job to predict dates, but we are called to be ready and to set our priorities in the light of eternity.
As we begin a new year here at Gracewriters, our question is, “How can we encourage each other as we Gracewrite in a hostile and difficult world?”
Our co-host, Donita Bundy, writes the Armour of Light, urban-fantasy series set in near future equivalents of Sodom and the cities of Revelation. They are apocalyptic stories where followers of the Light must deal with escalating attacks from both Seen and Unseen forces.
Today, we interview Donita on the challenges of writing about the end times while living in a world of upheaval. Donita teaches high school writing classes, facilitates the Somerset Writer’s group, blogs, and preaches at her local church. She and her husband have two teenage boys and she joins us from her rural property in Somerset, Australia!
Welcome, Donita.
Donita Bundy: Hi, guys! Thanks for having me.
Alison Joy: Donita, to start off, can we have some definitions? What does it mean to be a Gracewriter?
Donita Bundy: Well, my understanding of a Gracewriter is a Christian writer who writes anything, for any audience, in any genre, with the intent of weaving gracenotes, that is, Scriptural truths, Christian hope and/or God’s love through their words, whether that’s with the finest sprinkling of seasoning, or with buckets of water.
Alison Joy: We hear a lot of talk about End Times or End of Days but what does it mean? It sounds a bit crazy to many people.
Donita Bundy: Well, the term Last Days comes from Scripture, both Old Testament and New Testament, and it basically means the time between Jesus’ first coming and His second coming. And sometimes it’s referred to as the Now and Not Yet. It is that we are living in End Times but the final part of End Times has not yet happened.
Belinda Pollard: Why do you think it’s so bewitching to many secular writers?
Donita Bundy: The vivid, visual images that we get in Revelations, all very wonderfully symbolic, really captures our attention and, I think, Scripture has always interested people, Christian and non-Christian, with that imagery, Old Testament and New Testament, and it sparks that imagination and the questions and the wonder. Where is the truth in that?
Belinda Pollard: Why did you choose to write on these End Times, Last Days themes, Donita?
Donita Bundy: It was actually an accident. An accidental discovery. I was working as a Chaplain and I had to stop fulltime work because of a physical disability. It was like a physical breakdown. I couldn’t move. I was in a lot of pain. I was, more or less, paralysed by pain but my mind was still very active and I had wanted to start writing a book, just as you do, out of the blue, I’m going to write a book.
That was actually inspired by a few years’ worth of open doors, inspiration, working with high school students, wanting to be able to connect in the boarding house where I worked, reading the books they read, all that urban-fantasy stuff with angels and demons and stuff. I thought, “Well, wouldn’t it be great if there was a Christian version of that with correct theology that young Christians could read.”
I had also been someone who had experienced what I call God Dreams, from the age of about nine and all through my life I had wondered: what on earth was I supposed to do with these things?
I had taken them, I’d written them down, taken them to various experts and priests and ministers and asked, “What do these mean?” and no one was ever able to tell me anything. So, what I did was, at this time, I took that desire to tell those stories with that urban fantasy theme, which I enjoyed reading, and married it with the inability to move and be active and then also thinking, “Well, I could use these dreams as inspiration to start my story.”
So, I just sat down and started writing based on one of the dreams that I’d had and then it wasn’t until I was going back through one of the edits that I realised it was actually set in Sodom. I had no idea.
And so, then I was able to blend in some scriptural truths about what I had learnt about Sodom and things happening.
And then, I knew that this group of people were on a journey and I’m thinking, “Well, where would they go from Sodom?” And then I thought, “Oh my gosh! If you just head north and then you head west, there is the whole of current day Turkey and it is full of these incredible cities with this amazing culture with stories and the context I could lift out of the Revelation.
Belinda Pollard: It’s interesting that one of your main characters also has a physical condition that sounds a little bit similar to what you have faced. Is that a coincidence?
Donita Bundy: No! None whatsoever. When I lived with this condition, I had a lot of people telling me what my problem was.
I also had a lot of lovely, genuine people coming up to me and saying, “God doesn’t want you to suffer like this.”
I had medical professionals saying, “It is not physiological. It’s all in your head.” And I had psychologists telling me, “It is not in your head. This is physiological.”
So, wherever I went, I was finding people telling me, “This is not your problem. This is your problem.”
I learnt a lot and God really humbled me and opened my eyes. I thought what I wanted to do with this character was share my perspective of where that suffering came from, why God allowed it and what I learnt from it.
Belinda Pollard: How do you write this type of stuff?
Donita Bundy: Number one, pray a lot. I am very aware that even if I were to stop everything and study for the rest of my life, I still would not be the holder of the complete truth. Scripture tells us there are angels and there are demons. There are minions of the dark.
And again, very briefly, studying Scripture looked at all of the passages, Old Testament, New Testament. What does the Bible tell us about angels?
We know they exist, we know that they are God’s agents, we know they’re God’s warriors but they are on earth. They have goals and they are given directions parallel to us or to aid us but it’s not our job to acknowledge them or worship them.
We just keep doing our work and they do their work but we are walking the same line following the same Commander.
I’m very aware that a lot of these things are contentious. So, I do a lot of study. A lot of scriptural study straight from the Bible and Scripture and I do a lot of prayer that I would be sensitive.
But, at the end of the day, it’s fiction. It’s informed by Scripture but ultimately, it’s fiction.
Belinda Pollard: Do you get nervous about getting it right?
Donita Bundy: I don’t think nervous is quite the right word. I think more debilitating paralysis, at times.
My fear is, what if I get it wrong. What if something I write sends someone off on the wrong tangent or it isn’t theologically correct?
Which is why I have my beta readers are people who are Christians who have studied theology. And one of my questions with my beta readers is, “Are there any red flags here? Are there any things that you see here that you go, ‘Hang on a minute. That’s not biblical.’”
I’m so grateful for those people who are my checks and balances.
Alison Joy: So, I’m assuming then, if anybody wants to write about End Times or End of Days or Last Days, then they should be studying theology?
Donita Bundy: Absolutely. Everybody should be studying theology. I mean, the Word is theo – God; ology – the study of. And whether you go to Bible College, whether you participate in studies at your home church or your home group or church, whether you look through commentaries, a study Bible, you sit with a study Bible and you look at those notes and most importantly, with your Bible open in your hands and you prayerfully ask the Holy Spirit to open the Word to you. What is the truth here? What is being said?
I don’t think everyone has to do formal study but every Christian should be studying God’s Word.
We know that the Bible is the living Word. It is both 100% human, it was written by human hands but it is also 100% God. It was inspired by the Holy Spirit.
It is alive and it has something new for us. We come to it expecting revelation – the truth of God to be revealed.
And the power of God and the grace of God is so great that whatever we’re going through in our lives, we will come to Scripture and we will find truth. That continual process of reading, studying and looking at what God has to say.
The more we learn about God through Scripture, the more we open ourselves to the reality of God in the world and the more we come to see the glory of God and are open to the transformation of the Holy Spirit.
So, yes! Long answer, very important question; we should all be studying theology.
Alison Joy: So, what do you recommend as a goal for this type of writing?
Donita Bundy: Well, I really wouldn’t want to presume what everybody’s goals would be for writing this type of genre but my first number one goal is to encourage. I intentionally have a wide arc of characters ranging in age from 10 to 80 plus.
I use first-person point of view and try to cover as wide a range of experiences that I have had in my life so that somewhere along the journey readers might find someone’s experience they can relate to.
I try to be as honest and transparent ensuring my life’s experiences, the good and the bad and the ugly and the painful and the praiseworthy which, as any writer knows, is not easy.
But I would be just over the moon if a reader were to feel like as they related to a character, they could feel like they have been seen. And through the writing they would see that there is hope and that this too, the hardship, will pass.
My second goal is that everyone would sit a little bit taller, look around a little bit more closely at what’s happening around them and really be exalted to not go to sleep in the warming water.
We are at war and if we just go with the flow, one day we’re going to look round and we’re dead in boiling water.
Exhort people to wake up, pick up the sword and get back into the fight.
Belinda Pollard: What do you mean? What’s the sword?
Donita Bundy: The sword is the Word of God. We have to have Scripture. We have to have it in our hearts and in our head. It’s how we fight in the world: spiritual warfare. I honestly believe the number one thing that defines spiritual warfare is the choice, every day, every instance, every decision: choose God.
And when it gets overwhelming and you’re just struggling, go back to Scripture, be encouraged, use that and stand on it, live in it, eat it, feed on it and then breath it out.
And if they are in the fight and they’re soldiering on, I would hope then that they would feel like they’re getting a pat on the back that they’re not alone. Regardless of what you think, like the prophet Elijah, you might feel like “I am the only one. There is no one here, I am the only one that’s fighting.”
And I want them to feel like you’re not alone. We are one of a legion of God’s warriors who are faithfully fighting.
And then, thirdly, my goal is that people would be entertained. At the end of the day, it’s a story, it’s fiction and that they might find the writing entertaining enough and engaging enough to invest in this odd-ball family and travel with them through the cities, through the saga of the growing up of these kids and the passing on of that legacy.
They’re my goals, anyway.
Alison Joy: So, Donita, I believe you have a new book out. Would you want to tell us about it?
Donita Bundy: Thanks for asking, Alison! Yes, I do. I’m very excited.
I have just been able to publish book 4 in the series, HUMBLE INSURRECTION.
The struggle for this book; my goodness. Every year, I believe, the struggle gets harder to get it out. This book is number 4, as I said, and it’s set in the city of Philadelphia.
The context for the book is that letter that we read in Revelation. We meet new characters who one of them, poor thing, was afflicted with something I have experienced earlier on in my life. The battle of, “I’m a faithful servant. Why has this happened to me? Why have I gone through this incredible trial?” And then this character’s journey through that.
I read and follow Open Doors and what’s happening to the persecuted Church today. Our brothers and sisters who are struggling and dying and suffering for their faith and I layered that over what was actually happening for those people living in Philadelphia at the time the letter was written which was an encouraging letter from Jesus to the Church.
And I also have used the historical context of the earthquakes that happened and wiped out ten cities back then and the recovery. I’ve overlayed that with the emperor Domitian who was an absolute insane man who wanted to be acknowledged as a god.
So, I’ve layered several different eras of history and events into the one city just because it makes for a good story.
Belinda Pollard: Donita, I remember when I first read DANGEROUS SALVATION, your first book, the enduring impression on me when I came away from that was that I needed to stop doing things that weakened my spiritual armour.
And with HUMBLE INSURRECTION, your latest book, the message that I came away with that we live in hard times and we need to be developing resilience for the battle rather than expecting God to pluck us out of the battle to comfort and safety. And that’s been very relevant to me in this past year that I’ve had in my life.
So, these are exciting possibilities, I think, for those who are writing this type of stuff, writing Spiritual Warfare fiction and writing different types of fantasy and even any different kinds of fiction, in a way, to be thinking about what is the message that your reader is going to go away with because they will enjoy the read but what stays with them afterwards.
So, perhaps I’d like to encourage other writers out there to be thinking about that and to be praying about that. What God will do with that and how He can help us to give our readers things that they take away with that.
And, Donita, can I ask you too, for those of us writing on lots of other themes but in a world where time might be running out, what suggestions do you have for us?
Donita Bundy: We had the opportunity to interview Jason Jones and he said, “We need to be topical with our writing,” and I think it’s the world that we’re living in right now and these trials and these struggles, it has everybody looking and asking the question, “What is going to happen to us?”
I think all of us are feeling out of control and so we want to find something that is locked in, that’s solid, that is like a prophetic word for the future. We have to acknowledge that as Christians we have that confidence that our God is greater, our God is stronger, our God is victorious.
Our brothers and sisters in persecuted Churches do not ask to be removed from the situation. They’re not asking to be saved. They’re asking that we pray for them to have the courage to stand.
Through our gracenotes, whether it’s to a general audience, Christian audience, whatever, we have the opportunity to offer hope. Even for people who are non-Christian. If we can open the door and crack open their world view a little bit, if we can take away the confidence they have in the world and the physical and if we can create a fissure for the Holy Spirit to come through and start working, create doubt that what they stand on will not save them.
And I think that’s our challenge as Gracewriters. How do we open the door for the Holy Spirit to enter in. And I think, as we look around and we see the world falling apart, we go back to the Word, we go back to Scripture, we go back to truth and Peter says in Acts 2:17-21, he actually echoes Joel’s words from the Old Testament when he says:
In the last days, God says, “I will pour out my spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams. Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days, and they will prophesy. I will show wonders in the Heavens above and signs on the earth below, blood and fire and billows of smoke. The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and glorious day of the Lord. And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”
And 2 Peter 3:10, again, reminds us of Christ’s words:
But the day of the Lord will come like a thief.
We are not to know the day. We are not to spend time trying to figure out what all the signs are. That is not our business and that is not our role. 2 Peter 3:10-11 says:
The heavens will disappear with a roar, the elements will be destroyed by fire and the earth and everything done in it will be laid bare. Since everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be? You ought to live holy and godly lives.
Full stop. If Jesus is coming this afternoon, next week or 50 years’ time, in a sense, it’s kind of irrelevant. Our job as Christians is to live holy and godly lives and as Gracewriters, I believe our job is to encourage and exhort others, our brothers and sisters, to do the same.
And like I said, if they’re not Christians, create that fissure for the Holy Spirit to get in there and work. We know our God is the only saviour. Isaiah said in chapter 43:1-3a:
But now this is what the Lord says, “Do not fear, I have redeemed you. … I have summoned you by name. You are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burnt. The flames will not set you ablaze. For I am the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Saviour.”
These things are going to happen. We are living through them. We don’t know when the end is coming but we know this is our reality and we know that God is our only Saviour.
And I hope that as the struggle comes to us, we, too, don’t prayer that we’ll be take out of it. We would pray that we would have the courage to stand in the midst of it because in doing so, we then declare the glory of God.
Belinda Pollard: How do we make those decisions about priorities?
Donita Bundy: Well, number one, I think you go back to God and prayerfully discern what are my priorities because, as we’ve said before, and we know the saying is there’s a lot of good things to do but are they taking away from the God things to do.
Now, I can’t say how everybody should do it, but the way I try to do it, through trial and error – a lot of error – a lot of trial for everybody else – is quality time doesn’t have to be a long time.
Like most people, I live in a family, I’ve got kids, I care for my mum, I have a job, small job, married but also, I personally know that my writing, at this time in my life, is a priority. It is what God has called me to.
Twenty-five years ago, He called me to something. He gave me a word and I had been waiting for that word to come to light and it’s exciting times because I know that I am on the threshold of that prophecy being fulfilled.
So, for me, it’s a decision. Like I said before, spiritual warfare is the choice. Do I choose God or do I choose the world? So, every day, what is my priority?
At this time, I have created a schedule in my life which I call the WriTri, apologies to NaNoWriMo, but it’s a three month period of writing 90,000 words which is basically 1,000 words a day. I am committed to doing that. Sometimes I’ll write more, sometimes I’ll write less but it averages out to 1,000 words a day.
Sometimes I can get up early in the morning and smash it out. Other days it’s like, “Oh, here’s 100 words… and here’s another 100 words later on.” A lot of prayer, “Please help, please help, please help, please Lord! I don’t know what to write.”
It’s a discipline, and spiritual warfare and spiritual life involves discipline. If it’s important to you, do it! If God has called you to it and you have a message, you have God’s Word to share to the world, just jolly well sit your backside down or stand, if you’re ADHD and you can’t sit, and just jolly well do it!
Alison Joy: So, Donita, I’m just wondering how might the content of our writing change due to what’s going on in the world?
Donita Bundy: I think, as we draw closer into those End Times, those Last Days, the more the world is shifting away from God. Australia used to be known as a Christian country as with a lot of Western countries, now not so much; we are the minority.
The further we move away from, there is a separation between the world and the Church, the more the Church will stand out. The more the Christians will be identifiable purely by what they say and do because if we don’t want to go along with the flow, we will have to stand apart.
So, whatever we’re writing, whether it is romance or murder mysteries or urban fantasy or whatever, if you have a Christian character or if you’re writing Christian content, your characters will behave in a way that is alien to the world.
So, if you are writing to a Christian audience, to see somebody else making that stand, making those choices would, I believe, be an encouragement. And maybe part of that writing is writing what the consequence is for continuing to choose God.
Belinda, I know in your books, you have a young Christian man who is struggling with wanting to be in a relationship with a non-Christian girl and there’s tension there but he keeps making a stand. What are the consequences of that?
And Alison, you write romance but you write clean romance so you’re offering an alternative and an encouragement for people who constantly want to choose God in a world that is saying, “That’s not okay.”
And the more you do that, the more isolated you will become but the more isolated we become, the more we are set apart, the more we become salt and light. We are more different from the darkness as it gets more intense.
Offer an opportunity for people to see an alternate way of doing things.
Belinda Pollard: Those little gracenotes might be a drink of water to thirsty people. I think they can be and it’s not always a really straight out, ‘let’s have a Bible presentation here’, type of thing. It’s softer, gentler things.
And as Gracewriters we work as a team, a global team, even though we may never actually be in the same room together or anything but we work as a team and some of us have the job of just gently nudging people closer to the Kingdom and others are there pulling them in and others are there strengthening them once they’re in and it’s a team effort. And we need to have a closer understanding of what our particular role is in this team.
Donita Bundy: We take those life experiences and we take those life perspectives and we layer them through our writing so that, across the board, people are being fed and people can relate, people can be encouraged.
So, we are never alone and our voice is important. Our voice is needed because we are one of the whole, we are part of the whole and if we have been given the call or the passion or the burden to write, if we don’t, then our voice is missing and that particular Word of God to that particular audience is not there.
So, it’s not just a hobby. If you are carrying the Word of God, it should be a priority and it should be something prayed about and reflected on and held as a privilege and an honour but also a responsibility.
Alison Joy: So, Donita, have you got any encouragement for Gracewriters as we head into 2024 and for those who might be listening to this episode in the months or years to come?
Donita Bundy: When we hear anything, any prophecy, and when we listen to anyone teaching, we take it back to Scripture. I believe Scripture tells us it’s going to get worse. I mean, look around the world, like I was saying, I was reading in Open Doors, 2023, 36 million Christians around the world were persecuted or suffered or killed for their faith. That’s one in every 7 Christians suffers for living and calling on the name of Christ.
I think, for us, things are going to get worse. How’s that for encouragement?! But I think the encouragement comes, is that it is there in Scripture. It tells us, “Yes, things are going to get worse,” so don’t be shocked by these things. Don’t get upset. Don’t get surprised. Oh, my gosh, God didn’t know this was going to happen.
God did know. He actually told us about it thousands of years ago.
So, don’t be surprised. God has a plan and, like I said before, when I read from Isaiah:
All who call on the name of Christ will be saved. (Romans 10:13)
Our job is just to follow that command:
Love the Lord our God with all our heart and soul and our minds and to love our neighbour as ourselves. (Mark 12:30-31)
We are called to be salt and light. We are called to be the hands and feet of Christ so we will continue to live holy and obedient lives and because of this we will suffer but we will honour God in doing so. And that is our calling.
So, God knows this was all going to happen. God knows what happens in the future and God has promised us that He has us and we are, as days get darker, the more we are called to be separate and stand in the light and what a privilege that is to do so.
Belinda Pollard: One of the things that I find, actually, comforting is the thought that if God is leading me in a particular direction and into a certain thing, then I don’t actually want to go somewhere else even though that somewhere else might appear more comfortable. That illusion of comfort is a lie of the enemy.
And may I just encourage us, as Gracewriters, as we head into another New Year that – I call it Daiquiri Christianity, and I find it very alluring, the idea that we can lie on a banana lounge and drink daiquiris and that is what God has for us; to be comfortable and safe.
And I don’t think there’s anything wrong with us longing to be comfortable and safe because if you think about it, when God created the Garden in the first place, it was comfortable and safe. So, that is a hankering for heaven that is within us.
But we live in a battle, the war is on and being with God under His wings and by His side and standing shoulder to shoulder with one another as Gracewriters, is the most beautiful thing to be called to.
It will be exiting, it will be nourishing, it will be scary at times but we need to keep turning back to the God who leads us, the God who provides for us, the God who created us, the God who has purpose for us even in all of these things that are going down.
Donita Bundy: And I’d just like to thank you for summing up the theme of my book 4, HUMBLE INSURRECTION. That’s exactly the message. That is exactly the message that I was hoping to get out there.
The battle is coming and the suffering is real. God will not remove us from it but He is calling us to stand under His wings in the midst of it. It is His battle. It is His war. So, being transformed by the Holy Spirit, dying to self, we stand in the Body of Christ, the armour of God, under the shelter of His wings in the midst of the battle.
This is what we are called to. Not to have comfortable, easy lives but we are sheltered, we are protected, we are enlivened, we are filled with the power of God which was the same power that created the universe and raised Christ from the dead. That’s who lives within us.
So, we’re not alone and we’re not defenceless but the battle is real and the times are hard and they’re going to get harder.
Belinda Pollard: Yes. Thank you, Donita. So many things to think about there.
How can listeners find you online, please?
Donita Bundy: My website is would be the best place. I’m there more regularly than I am on social media. I tend to be a bit hot and cold on social media, I apologise. But I do have Instagram and Facebook. I have a newsletter that is mostly regular that you can sign up to at my website.
Belinda Pollard: Thank you, Donita. How about I pray for you and for the Gracewriters?
Donita Bundy: Thank you.
Belinda Pollard: Heavenly Father, we thank you for Donita and for the calling that you have placed on her life and for her faithfulness in seeking to follow that calling where you lead.
We pray that you will bless her abundantly, that you will surround her and guide her and strengthen her and give her the messages that you have for the people who are going to be reading her words in days and months and years to come.
And we pray for all of the Gracewriters out there who are writing on similar topics, that you will inspire them and teach them and guide them and encourage them and I pray for all of us, Lord. Many are feeling a bit bruised and battered as we head into this New Year. Some are entering with hope and optimism and others are feeling a bit different and I just pray for each one that you will comfort, strengthen, encourage and guide and provide and protect.
And that you will help us to be part of your army of Gracewriters for this time on earth, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Donita Bundy: Amen
Belinda Pollard: Donita Bundy, thank you for all of those gentle words and encouraging and true, to us today. Thank you, Alison Joy.
I’m Belinda Pollard and we will see you next time on the Gracewriters podcast.
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