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- Notification of new podcast episodes or blog posts.
- Invitation to join our optional private online discussion forum.
- Invitation to join our optional monthly Zoom meeting.
You can unsubscribe quickly and easily at any time by clicking the UNSUBSCRIBE link at the bottom of every email, and your email address will be treated with respect, not shared with anyone else! No spam, ever. For more information, read our privacy policy.
If you don’t receive an email from us asking for confirmation, please check your spam or promotions folder, and/or wait a while then fill in the form again.
Gracewriters Zoom catch-up once per month
- On the first Saturday morning of the month Brisbane time (Friday night USA), we meet to learn, encourage and support.
- The link to the free Zoom meetings is sent only to subscribers rather than posted publicly.
- It is a friendly, fun and relaxed meeting that lasts one hour.

Gracewriters Community – online discussion forum
- This is a free, private forum where you can post questions, prayer requests, ideas, and discussion starters. It is small at the moment and will grow over time. 🙂
- You will receive an invitation to the community in your subscription email.
Participation in any of these is *always* optional. Use it if it helps.
There might also in the future be occasional notifications for other useful things such as webinars, courses, workshops or conferences.