Jubilee Lipsey writes biblical fiction based on Old Testament narratives. She shares the methods she uses to invite readers deeper into the stories that form the backbone of Christian faith, while also being changed by the Bible in the process herself.
Gracewriters Podcast #59: Author Lisa Boucher on letting go of the reins
Lisa Boucher has trained polo horses, worked as a flight attendant, hairdresser and bartender, and then reconstructed her life as a registered nurse. Lisa’s books help women overcome alcoholism, and she draws from her rich life experience to encourage readers to stop micromanaging and surrender to God.
Gracewriters Podcast #58: Steven James, bestselling suspense author, writing teacher and rule breaker
Steven James is the author of 18 bestselling thrillers and winner of 4 Christy Awards. His non-fiction titles include STORY TRUMPS STRUCTURE and TROUBLESHOOTING YOUR NOVEL for Writer’s Digest, and he challenges us to defy the so-called “rules” of writing fiction.
Gracewriters Podcast #57: Andrina Rijken on finding wonder in an “ordinary life”
Author and speech pathologist Andrina Rijken talks about the value of an “ordinary person’s” inspirational writing, and how God can use each one of us.
Gracewriters Podcast #56: Donny Abbott on being inspired by great art
Pastor and author Donny Abbott discusses his book inspired by Rembrandt’s painting, Christ in the Storm. Donny shares his process, and the disappointments and blessings of writing and publishing.
Gracewriters Podcast #55: Stepping into the New Writing Year
Belinda Pollard, Donita Bundy and Alison Joy look back on the writing year that was, forward to the writing year that’s coming, and up to the One we write for. An honest conversation with vulnerable moments and encouragement for Gracewriters living in a difficult world.
Gracewriters Podcast #54: Kathy Escobar on writing about a Blue Christmas
Pastor Kathy Escobar, author of the Advent resource A Weary World, has for many years helped provide a Blue Christmas event for those struggling at this time of year. Its meaning became intensely personal after her teenage son’s death by suicide. (Content warning: suicide)
Gracewriters Podcast #53: Nikki Florence Thompson on Why Writing Isn’t Easy
Nikki Florence Thompson teaches creative writing at the Australian Catholic University. Nikki has an MA in creative writing, a PhD in Literature, and is a blogger and published author. Her memoir, Fight, Flight and Faith tackles grief and anxiety at a very personal level.